'"Be happy for your brother."' (p. 22)

There was once a man. He had two sons. One day, his younger son came to him. He said, "Father, I want to go away. I need some money." The father got all his money. His younger son left his home. He went to a far country, and he soon used all his money. He didn't know what to do. He tried to make some money, but he couldn't. He want his father to forgive him, and he decided to go back to home. He came back to his home. His father was very happy. His father was not angry, but his brother was angry. The father said, "Be happy for your brother. Your brother was lost. Now he is found. "
A Parable. Lewis, J, Randolph.
"The son who came home" (Compass Publishing).
parable 例え話
feast 祝宴
142 words
younger brother son ??