Today I read "The Peach Boy" in USBORNE FIRIST READING. Its level is three. The peach boy is an ancient Japanese legend known as "Momotaro". This story is about an old woman, an old man, a brave little boy, a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant. One morning, old woman fished out the peach from the river and rolled it home. Old man started to cut it open, the peach split in two. Inside, there was a little boy! He was named Peach Boy and grew up quickly. One day peach boy went to the Ogre Island because giant ogres had come and taken all jewels in the village. On the way, Peach boy made his friends. A monkey, a dog, and a pheasant. They landed on Ogre island, they knock ogres down. Finally, they went home with the stolen jewels, and some food to eat,,,. This story is very nice, and very popular in Japan!
157 words
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