"A block man stood up, covered with hay. He had an axe in his hand."(p. 23)

obey 従う、守る
whisper ささやく
fishing line 釣り糸
Monjo, F.N. (1970). "The drinking gourd". Harper Trophy.
93 words
"A block man stood up, covered with hay. He had an axe in his hand."(p. 23)
’”But you must promise us one thing. You must invite us to your wedding and you must say that we are your aunts. ”’(p. 14)
"The troll says, 'I want to eat you!'".(p. 17)
"Princess Polly was in trouble."(p. 2)
"Two Frogs live in Japan. One frog lives in Osaka. The other frog lives in Kyoto."(p.6)