I watched this animation for the first time!!! I want to watch on Youtube someday.
On last Friday, I went to Mt. Hanaoka with my co-workers after part time job. We enjoyed the night view from Mt. Hanaoka. Have you watched? It was so beautiful. And I went to for a drive with my friend yesterday. We were going to go to Hoshino Coffee in HIkarinomori. However the parking lot was full. I wanted to eat French toast there... So we looked for other cafe, but we couldn't find rather. After all we lost our way. After that we got to the cafe. I ate a spaghetti and a French toast. It was good, but I was tired.
120 words
"Rainbow Fish loved the sea glass."(P.3)

Pfister, Marcus. (2002). "RAINBOW FISH"(FESTIVAL READERS).
84 words
Paragraph of Massachusetts
I introduce the Massachusetts state in Northeastern America. Do you know Massachusetts state? The nickname is Bay state. The capital of Massachusetts is Boston. Boston is a large city. Population in Massachusetts, is 6745 thousands. Population density is the 3rd in United States. However, Massachusetts is the 7th smallest state. The official language is English. But a large number people of Portuguese decents live in state. Language spoken in home, Spanish is the 2nd and Portuguese is the 3rd. Also there are famous universities in Massachusetts state. I will introduce Massachusetts more deeply from after this paragraph.
There are many universities in Massachusetts state. As you know, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University are ranked very high in world university ranking. Also, there are the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Boston College, North Eastern University, and so on. Massachusetts state was the first state which provided for compulsory education law. There are the oldest public elementary school, high school, Boarding school, college, and girl's college in America. In Massachusetts, there are 121 institution higher educations. There is suitable state for education.
"Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" it can be translated as "By the sword we seek peace, but peace under liberty.” It is cool flag!
In Massachusetts, there are many kind of fishes. Especially lobster is very popular in Boston. Clam chowder is Massachusetts' traditional food. You can eat different taste each restaurant. And I introduce a sight seeing. It is the freedom trail. It is the red line on the road in Boston. This line is 4 km. You can go 16 sight seeings in Massachusetts. For example, Boston common, state house, and so on.
I introduced Massachusetts state. There are many famous universities, famous foods, and famous places in Massachusetts. You can enjoy travelling in Massachusetts, maybe! And I couldn't research state flag so much. So I want to research more.
336 words
336 words
My weekend and other matters...
On Friday, I went to Mr. Okamura's house with my friends. He is our Spanish teacher. I went to there first time. There is very big and beautiful house. We ate Tonkatsu, salad, Makizusi, and so on. We talked about various things. It was very fun, we love him!!! After that, I went to the karaoke with my five friends. Yurina was good at singing at karaoke, other members were surprised. And on Sunday, I went to Yaya marche. I ate a pizza and Yakitori. My mother sell Srilanka curry there.
92 words
I introduced Massachusetts state. There are many famous universities, famous foods, and famous places in Massachusetts. You can enjoy travelling in Massachusetts, maybe! And I couldn't research state flag so much. So I want to research more.
38 words
Some famous in Massachusetts

71 words
Flag of state
Universities of Massachusetts

84 words
Grammer Questions
1) 少数の人の手に富が集中することはアメリカにおける大きな問題と なっている。
The ( a small / become / concentration / has / in / number / of / of / people / the hands / wealth ) a major issue in the U.S.
concentration wealth in the hands of a small number of people has become
2) 日本で酪農家の数の急激な減少が最近のバターの不足の原因となっ ている。
A ( dairy / decline / farmers / has / in / in / in / Japan / led / of / rapid / recent / the number / to / years ) butter shortages.
rapid decline in the number of daily farmers in Japan has led to recent
3) 1950年代以降のNASA(アメリカ航空宇宙局) の月ミッションは世界中の人々の想像力を捕えた。
NASA’s ( captured / from / imagination / lunar / missions / of / onwards / over / people / the / the 1950s / the world ).
NASA's lunar missions of the 1950s captured the imagination of people the world over.
4) 若者の数の急激な減少は労働者がもっと生産性を高めるようにする ことが最も重要であることを意味する。
The ( decrease / essential / in / is / making / means / more / number / of / people / productive / rapid / that / the / workers / young ).
The rapid decrease in the number of young people means that making workers more productive is essential.
The Hunger Games and other matters
I haven't watched the movie. My friend said "This movie is interesting.", so I want to watch.
I enjoyed my weekend. I went to Fukuoka from last Friday. I met my boyfriend for the first time in a month. I watched the baseball game of his baseball team. He was in a baseball club, when he was a high school student. He likes to play baseball, but I don't baseball game's rule so much. I watched his playing baseball after a long time. And we ate Motsu nabe. It was very delicious.
92 words
I enjoyed my weekend. I went to Fukuoka from last Friday. I met my boyfriend for the first time in a month. I watched the baseball game of his baseball team. He was in a baseball club, when he was a high school student. He likes to play baseball, but I don't baseball game's rule so much. I watched his playing baseball after a long time. And we ate Motsu nabe. It was very delicious.
92 words
"I will help you. But remember me when you are rich."(p.10)

weak: 弱い
feather: 羽
Lang, Andrew. (2012). "THE MAGIC SWAN" (Young Learners Classic Readers).
198 words
My weekend...and other matters
My weekend was bored and tired. I had a TOEFL test on Saturday. I studied hard, but I didn't so much. And I had a part time job all day on Sunday. I was very tired. I want to enjoy this weekend. I'm going to go to Fukuoka from Friday, because I will see my boy friend. Also I will go shopping.
Recently, it is rainy everyday. I don't like so much. Every morning it crowd on way to university. I want to get off my car, and I want to run everyday. But I don't do.
98 words
"Goldilocks pushes on the door. It opens!"(p.9)

Southey, Robert.(2012). "The Three Bears" (Young Learns Classic Readers).
155 words
A walk in the woods, and other matters
I don't know two actors. It is sounds interesting, so I want to watch the movie. And he is same birthday with me.
I went to the party on Friday. It was so fun. I talked in English, And I made new my friends. After the party, I went to Naomi's house. Because I wanted to celebrate for my best friend Yurina's birthday. Ruka and Marukichi prepared for surprise party. We sang birthday song for Yurina, and ate a cake. We stayed Naomi's house. It was very happy time. I love my friends. On Saturday and Sunday, I had a part time job. After the job on Sunday, I went to eat Sushi in Susiro. When I went back to home, I went to eat Takoyaki and Kusikatu with my family. Very very delicious.
135 words
I went to the party on Friday. It was so fun. I talked in English, And I made new my friends. After the party, I went to Naomi's house. Because I wanted to celebrate for my best friend Yurina's birthday. Ruka and Marukichi prepared for surprise party. We sang birthday song for Yurina, and ate a cake. We stayed Naomi's house. It was very happy time. I love my friends. On Saturday and Sunday, I had a part time job. After the job on Sunday, I went to eat Sushi in Susiro. When I went back to home, I went to eat Takoyaki and Kusikatu with my family. Very very delicious.
135 words
Introduction of Massachusetts
95 words
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