"Once there was a giant. He was very selfish."(p.7)

secretly: 秘密に、内緒で
Wilde, Oscar. (2012). "THE SELFISH GIANT". (Young Learns Classic Readers).
164 words
"Once there was a giant. He was very selfish."(p.7)
The cubs are asleep at seven o'crock. The alarm goes off.It is quite a shock. But Brother and Sister are back o sleep. Their school bus comes 8 o'clock. They wake up to an angry mother. They are very hurry, finally, they catch the bus."Five minutes later, they are back to sleep."(p.8)
Long ago, Bear had a tail. He was proud of it. He talked a lot about his tail. Fox and Bird did not like that. Then, fox tricked bear. Bear put his tail in the lake to catch fish. But turned to the hole, his tail was in the ice. So, today they do not like foxes."Today, bears do not have tails."(p..20)
"Now, she was ready to get married."
"The pancake rolled out of the gate and into the road, faster and faster."
"There was once a cat who lived in a big town. His name was Stanley. But everyone called him Scaredy Cat"(p.2-3)
"'My manuscript!' she thinks. 'It's in that bag!'"(p.12)
"We are two crazy pigs."(p.2)
Hen has some eggs. One is big. The rest are small.The big egg is not Hen's egg. So Hen ask other animals. However the egg is not one's own. And fox try to eat the egg, Hen help eggs. Finally, Hen loves them all."This is not my egg!"(p.8)